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What is Adult Advocacy?

-Linking individuals/families with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to service providers that fit their specific needs

-Offering advice and tips on accessing and navigating the services (both through waiver services and private organizations services) for individuals/families with I/DD.

-Attending ISP meetings to guide individuals through the waiver process.


We Provide Referrals For: 

-Services that involve finding, registering, and placing someone with housing.

-Services provided by a Supports Coordinator/Supports Coordination Agency.


For Whom:

-Individuals with I/DD, guardians of adults with I/DD, or any family member/friend of someone with I/DD who is looking into what assistance and options are available for their loved one with I/DD



Contacts include organizations that provide specific housing, employment, healthcare, transportation, legal services for people with I/DD to get in touch with.


Contact / To Learn More:

Intake Line 
Mark Houldin 
Advocacy Coordinator
215.229.4550 ext. 130