The Arc of Philadelphia has led the way in protecting the rights of and promoting opportunities for children and adults with disabilities by advocating with and for all children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to promote active citizenship, self-determination and full inclusion. The Arc of Philadelphia is affiliated with The Arc of Pennsylvania and The Arc of the United States and is a member of SpArc Philadelphia.
The Arc of Philadelphia follows its Guiding Principles of:
INTEGRITY AND EXCELLENCE- we fulfill our mission with integrity and transparency and are committed to quality and excellence in all we do.
PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY- we commit to the principle that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and other citizens have meaningful opportunities to inform and guide the direction of The Arc.
VISIONARY LEADERSHIP– we lead by articulating a positive future for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
COLLABORATION- we work with individuals and organizations in a collaborative fashion that promotes effective partnerships.